The Friends of Hilly Fields are delighted to announce that their “wild about play” application to the Big Lottery’s Changing Places Grant has been successful. The grant is towards the refurbishment of the playground and as the name suggests, is focused on diversifying the play experience by introducing some of the park’s natural elements into the playground.
Following the successful stage 1 application, the group were awarded a development grant by the lottery. This enabled a measured survey to be undertaken, which in turn enabled the group to work up a more detailed design and costings. Before submitting the second stage of the application, the group also needed to become a constituted group and hold a community engagement event, not to mention all the land ownerships forms to sign, the letters of support and a councillor’s signature. Our community engagement event was held in the playground on a windy Saturday morning on 6th June, coinciding with the Brockley Max event. We had lots of positive feedback and support, so thank you to everyone. All the hard work has paid off, the stage 2 application was submitted in mid August and the Friends were notified of their success at the end of September. We were awarded the full £49,999.
Great news! When is the next HFUG meeting please? Happy to advertise it in the ‘Upcoming Events’ section on our cllr blog too.