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Three Peaks History Walk

PASSING through Hilly Fields..but not organised by us.

If you are an avid walker, historian, urban explorer, or want to discover another part of London, do please join and help support Crofton Park Railway Garden. They will be leading an history walk from their garden on Saturday 26th May from 11am-1pm.

The Railway Garden will open at 10am for a chance to find out about the plans and get your Three Peaks maps. Activities will include:
Plant and harvest sale (kale, beans, sprouting broccoli, tomatoes, chilies, strawberries, and more) Sunflower kits for a sunflower competition – launching the competition for all the young ones for a chance to win a Grow Wild wildflower seed pack
Face-painting and the guided heritage walk

The recommended donation is £5/family. But please offer what ever you are able to; less or more, it all helps in the end. Or help volunteer instead at the next open day.
on behalf of the CPRG Friends Group
walk_ for https://mailchi.mp/693034a059d4/history-walk-of-the-three-peaks-trail-26th-may?e=9a5aa2f02d

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