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Midsummer Fayre Saturday 18th June, 12noon to 5pm, 2016…brought to you by the Brockley Society

The Friends of Hilly Fields will have their regular stall at the Hilly Fields Midsummer Fayre, Saturday 18 June, 12 noon to 5pm 
The Brockley Society’s hugely popular summer event returns for its 42nd year. 
The fayre is entirely community-run.
Download STALLS application forms for arts and crafts, bric-a-brac, food-related, community and societies, and catering on www.brockleysociety.org.uk.
VOLUNTEER to help run the fayre. Details are on the Brockley Society website and there’s something for everyone’s ability and time constraints.
Teams take charge of specific aspects, each with a Team Captain. 
Some teams operate beforehand, others only on the day. 


One Comment

  1. Kim says:

    Can you please give me details needed to have a stall at the summer fair on 18th June if there are still available places. Many thanks.

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