We are sticking to our second Tuesday of the month and therefore have our next meeting very close to Christmas. Meetings our open to all friendly park users..and we’ll have festive refreshments to help it along the way.
Usual time 7.30pm in the Bothy, along from the bowling green.
HI Philippa
You probably have found this out by now, but just in case, this is the latest information from the Brockley Society.
“Dear Brockley neighbours and others,
Hilly Fields Midsummer Fayre, 23 June 2012, 12noon-3pm
The application form for stalls at the fayre are now on Brockley Society’s website:
The forms for caterers and businesses wishing to sponsor the fayre, advertise in the programme (8,000 distribution) or offer a prize is also on the website.
If you wish to help organise the fayre, please email fayre@brockleysociety.org.uk
Brockley Society Pub Quiz Tuesday 17 April, 8pm
Wickham Arms, 69 Upper Brockley Road, cnr Ashby Road, SE4 1TF ”