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Sorry about the lack of information, we’re just too busy.
Briefly, we are sticking to our normal dates and having the next meeting on Tuesday 13th September at 7.30. It will be held in the Bothy and will be our AGM. The minutes are nearly ready, but want to check through before I post them, can’t do that until the beginning of September now.

STORY TELLING… we have had such positive feedback from the story telling that we have managed to organise an extra event. This will be combined with a craft event. I’m not personally sorting this out, so can’t say much more other than it is planned for the 27th August. Please look out for posters that should be put up in the park. I’m going to try to organise for someone to put it on the website but as I’m not here I can’t promise anything.

Enjoy the park, there are lots of blackberries to pick.

Story Telling in the Park

Please feel welcome to water one of our many new trees in the park, I was surprised to see how dry one of my charges had got whilst I was away.

If there is anything I’ve forgotten, it will have to wait.

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