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Big Garden Bird Watch 2024

The board will be coming out again on the last Sunday , 28th January, we will be set up for 10.30am by the café until 12.30. We might have some helpers this year from our Duke of Edinburgh volunteers, which means we might run a small birdy craft workshop too?


Hedge Laying Free training

Thanks to CPRE London we have funding to run training sessions in the ancient craft of hedge laying. Work has started on the Veda Road Boundary Hedge. That’s across the stone circle and look left down the hill to the lower Vicars Hill Entrance. If you are interested in training, please sign you to one of the remaining sessions.



Eastern Road Gate: Awards for All Grant

Our first grant application was to the Lottery’s Awards for All. With the £5000 grant we linked up with two local schools, Prendergasts and Gordonbrock Primary School. The art department at Prendergasts undertook a project with their year 8 students. They studied the murals in the school, which feature the park. They spent time in the park drawing the views which became the basis for a series of pieces of work. These included printing and black and white collages. The plethora of work was taken to artist blacksmith Heather Burrell, who designed a gate using the images.

The final gates were hung in spring 2007.

Gates on Eastern Road

Gates on Eastern Road

The final part of the grant money was spent on planting. The local primary school Gordonbrock came out to help plant primroses and violets along the entrance road. They also smartened up the shrub bed at the entrance with Viburnum, roses, honeysuckle and ferns.

Children from Gordonbrock School planting the entrance shurb bed

Children from Gordonbrock School planting the entrance shurb bed

planting primroses

planting primroses

Victor plants a Rose on Eastern Road. Hes going to bring his mum to see it.

Victor plants a Rose on Eastern Road. He’s going to bring his mum to see it.