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park management

Big Garden Bird Watch 2024

The board will be coming out again on the last Sunday , 28th January, we will be set up for 10.30am by the café until 12.30. We might have some helpers this year from our Duke of Edinburgh volunteers, which means we might run a small birdy craft workshop too?


Hedge Laying Free training

Thanks to CPRE London we have funding to run training sessions in the ancient craft of hedge laying. Work has started on the Veda Road Boundary Hedge. That’s across the stone circle and look left down the hill to the lower Vicars Hill Entrance. If you are interested in training, please sign you to one of the remaining sessions.



Petition for recycling bins in Hilly Fields


Please sign the Change.org petition demanding that Lewisham Council provide recycling bins in Hilly Fields. (more…)

More volunteers and bins needed in fox war


Volunteers are collecting so much rubbish we are overfilling the bins, proving that Lewisham council needs to put in more bins. We only started a week ago.

On Saturday night (22 August), the single bin we use was already full from Friday and the cafe’s rubbish from Saturday. (more…)

Volunteers empty bins before foxes spread rubbish

rubbish on trolleys

Morning park users will have seen rubbish strewn by foxes who pull bagged waste from open bins in search for food scraps. The first volunteers have begun emptying the bins just before dark to try to prevent this. More volunteers are needed.

Saturday 15 August was the first night. Two volunteers started at the Bowling Green and cleared the bins up all the way along Cliffview and Vicars Hill to the café and the play area. On the first night we managed to empty 12 bins. (more…)