Brockley Max – our local community festival – runs this year from Friday 31 May to Saturday 8 June with a huge range of events at local venues including Hilly Fields. To see the full programme, click here or pick up a paper copy from the HF cafe or other local outlets. Meanwhile, scroll down.

The Hilly Fields cafe (‘Pistachios in the Park’) is hosting three events. On Monday 3 June from 7-9 pm, an evening of poetry and stories presented by Write Brockley, a group of local indie authors. At this point, I should ‘declare an interest’ as I’m one of the authors reading along with Jason Shelley, Diana Pooley and Richard DeMox. Our styles range from traditional narrative to hip-hop poetry and electronica prose with humour, down-under demotic and existential musing in between. The event is free, the ‘Dionysian refreshment’ (a reference to wine, I believe) is free and our books will be on sale at reduced prices. Please bring cash.

Tuesday 4 June sees Professor Nohair and the Wiglifters (presumably the ‘heirs’ of Professor Longhair and the Shuffling Hungarians) playing ‘fast-fingered jazz and boogie woogie’ at the cafe from 7.00 – 9.30 pm. This is a free event, but donations are welcome. And on Thursday 6 June from 7.30 – 9.30 pm, there’s a priced event at the cafe – ‘Learn the Harmonica in Two Hours’. For £20, you get a harmonica, a glass of wine, free tuition and the opportunity to play on the Art In The Park stage on Saturday 8 June.

There are two big events elsewhere in the Park. In the Stone Circle, Hilly Shakes will be giving a performance of Much Ado About Nothing. This will take place on 5, 6 and 7 June from 7 – 8.30 pm. ‘High-jinx, clever wordplay and romance.’ Free, but donations welcome. And on the final day, Saturday 8 June, Hilly Fields will host the big Art In The Park event ‘for all the family’. See here for details.
One last plug, Quaggy Printmakers are exhibiting in the chapel at Brockley and Ladywell cemeteries on 1-2 June and 8-9 June between 10.30 am – 4 pm as part of Brockley Max. This free exhibition is called ‘Flights of Fancy’ and includes demonstrations of print-making techniques.

Hope you can get along to some of these events, especially the Write Brockley one!