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March Events

…and the events this month are:FARMERS MARKET this Saturday 9th March…there were extra stalls last month, so worth the trip.
Friends’ Meeting on 12th March. In the cafe at 7.30. We usually finish by 9pm.

Saturday 16th March, we’ll be planting a FRUITING HEDGE, donated by the tree council. HELPERS to meet at the cafe 10.30. Post planting..a light lunch will be served, also courtesy of the Tree Council and the cafe.

Also Saturday 16th March, Brockley Society have arranged a
Walkabout with Tree Council, 1pm: Join Jon Stokes for an informative walk among the trees of Brockley. See http://brockleystreettrees.blogspot.co.uk/

and we are lucky to have been included in the last set of events run by the rivers and people project (their grant is about to finish). So for those who bemoan the early start of our dawn chorus walk, we have a mid morning walk on

Thursday 28th March 10.30am-12.30pm The Hill is Alive! (at Hilly Fields, meet at the junction of Adelaide Avenue and Eastern Road)

“Come and explore the birds, beasts and wildlife in an urban park. We will be joined by members of the local bird group”.

Brockley Street Trees

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