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May, 2021:

Wild Flower Hunt

Nature and our mental healthhttps://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/campaigns/mental-health-awareness-week?fbclid=IwAR16cGn5KzWXqapwBj0zXXbZMYeUCbfhakLiqfPqovcHoitgnig_8M9V5Ng


“Nature is so central to our psychological and emotional health, that it’s almost impossible to realise good mental health for all without a greater connection to the natural world”.  Perhaps on your healthy walk you’d like to try out our plant hunt. It was prepared in a year when the mowers were less keen, so apologies if you have a long search.

Blue bells in flower on the lane

Following extensive work clearing the encroaching brambles we are being rewarded with the view of the bluebells. The existing seed bank is also getting a chance to flower along with the more recently added primroses. We are hoping to see invertebrates thrive along with foraging birds. Listen out for the black cap, they nest locally in the thicket of adjacent brambles.