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March, 2014:

Dawn Chorus Walk: Wednesday 2 April

This year’s Dawn Chorus Walk organised by the Friends of Hilly Fields will take place on Wednesday 2 April. We will meet outside the cafe on Hilly Fields at 6 am. As clocks go forward an hour this weekend, the birds should be waking up just around that time.

As in previous years, we will be extending the walk to take in the Brockley & Ladywell cemeteries. If you want to join us for that part of the walk only, please be at the Brockley Grove gate at 7 am. This is not the gate at the junction with Ivy Rd, but is on Brockley Grove just west of the bus stop and between Amyruth Rd and Henryson Rd on the other side.

Juvenile Goldfinch

What might we hear and/or see? Certainly Blackbirds, Robins, Wrens, Goldfinches, Dunnocks, Great Tits and Blue Tits; probably Long-tailed Tits, Starlings, Greenfinches, Chaffinches and Chiffchaffs; hopefully a Mistle Thrush on Hilly Fields, a Song Thrush in the cemeteries and Woodpeckers in both locations.

Do come and join us. It’s free, educational, fun, life-enhancing and good for the soul. Honest!

Wild Play Day for under 5s

Make the most of your local park
Wild Play Day for families with under fives
Tuesday 11th March
10 -­ 5pm
All Welcome
Dress for the weather
Full schedule of events by the cafe

The next Friend of Hilly Fields Group meeting will be in the evening at 7.30pm.

poster with children playing

Poster for Wild Play Day

Wild play day poster