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March 26th, 2012:

What’s going on?

A quick update on park events…

The programme is a little behind, but fingers crossed they will be open in time for launch of the cricket field. When is that?
l opening of the ParkSport cricket project at Hilly Fields will be on 13th May 2012. It is proposed to hold a 40 over’s match (not a match for over 40s, as I first read it) between Millfields Cricket Club (home team for Hilly fields) and a Mayor’s select eleven (team to be confirmed).

Proposals to make the Shade Garden a memorial garden to Octavia Hill and the Kyrle Society are underway. The Kyrle Society, formed to “Bring Beauty Home to the People” and as you most likely know its treasurer Octavia Hill was instrumental in saving Hilly Fields from the clutches of the developers.

The friends have been trying to secure funding for improvements to the shade garden. This all takes time and lots of energy, so it being the centenary year of Octavia Hill’s death we decided to delay no longer. Starting small, we have cleared one large shrub bed and plan to replant with spring flowering woodland plants.

Finally, look out for our dawn chorus…this year planned for an unearthly hour in May.

Plan of cafe below…

plan for new cafe in converted loo block