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March, 2010:

Playground Progress

Our Wild About Play Project is progressing well.

The very organic sweet chestnut tee pees are now in position.

tee pees

The slight hitch has been the lack of water. It seems the water authorities may have made a visit at some point to cut off the supply, as non of the existing pipe work has offered a drop. This now means that they will have to bring water from the loo block across the top to the playground. As the contractors also want to be sure that they have water for establishing the turf, they are not going to turf until a water supply is available. Had we had guaranteed weather, of course we could have got the turf down and it would now be establishing.

The metal work will be repainted and the bespoke timber items are the next on the programme.

Once the turf is down, we will need at least 3 weeks to let it root, and then we will finally be able to open up.

Lovely Dogs and their owners

I am having a lots of upset dog owners concerned that there is some plan to stop dog walking in Hilly Fields. This is completely untrue and there are no such plans. Some of this confusion might have come from a post on the new dog control orders which now apply in Lewisham. They can be viewed on their website http://www.lewisham.gov.uk/NewsAndEvents/News/NewsArchive/JanuaryMarch2009/DogControlApproved.htm

I have asked a co-writer to review his dog section and apologise to our valued responsible dog owners.


Our next Friends meeting will be held on Tuesday 9th March, in the park keeper’s room at 7.30.

Everyone is welcome, or you can always email anything you would like to raise. We’ll try and keep everyone updated here.
email: hillyfields4@googlemail.com